3 Ways to Use Glass Panels and Walls
Creating barriers in commercial and residential settings can be done with style using glass walls and panels. M3 Glass Technologies fabricates custom accent walls and partitions using various unique in-house processes. Our custom glass paneling delivers the function and form your project requires while creating awe-inspiring aesthetics.
Glass wall panels may be used in multiple ways. Here are a few ideas for your commercial or residential environment:
Elevator Interiors
You may think that elevators need not be equipped with aesthetic elements, but they are truly a great area to add some style. Think about their usage—elevators are frequently used by all guests and employees moving throughout your building. Custom glass paneling gives your business the opportunity to add creative touches to the basic functional elements of your facility, where they can be viewed by all. Adding pleasing design elements to your space can help you to promote your brand and present a professional atmosphere to visitors and employees alike.
Using M3’s finishing capabilities, elevator glass paneling can feature elements unique to your brand. Glass wall panels can include your logo, a monochromatic design, or a combination of both.
Room Dividers
To enhance functionality while maintaining consistency in a residential or commercial open-space layout, glass panels may be used as walls to divide the room. Our glass paneling partitions are far more appealing than basic walls, cubicles, or other dividers positioned throughout your office or residential space. They deliver an aesthetic that feels like a work of art rather than a simple divider.
Glass wall panels can be customized to meet a wide variety of styles and needs. Feature your branding and logo throughout your office space, or complement your home’s existing interior style.
Conference & Meeting Rooms
Conference and meeting rooms are commonly dull while lacking any transparency. This makes it difficult for anyone outside to know who is (or isn’t) in a meeting, and makes it difficult to see if the room is currently occupied. Transparent design glass paneling enhances the functionality of these workspaces. Additionally, glass panels for walls can help you create a modern look in your office.
Some meetings need to remain private, but that doesn’t mean you always have to sacrifice the transparent aesthetic. Our Switchable Glass allows you to switch the glass paneling from transparent to opaque for increased privacy with the touch of a button.
Glass wall panels are very easy to clean. Designers often add glass panels to the walls of a conference or meeting room as a stylish, convenient, and versatile replacement for dry erase boards. Notes can be made with non-permanent marker and easily cleaned before the room’s next use. This is ideal for a wide range of meetings, training, presentations, and more.
Functional Aesthetics from the Design Glass Experts at M3 Glass
Any of the above glass wall panel solutions can be customized to match your branding if desired. Our design and finishing capabilities are numerous—glass paneling can be totally transparent, dark, or anywhere in between.
Download our “Customize Your Space with Design Glass” eBook to learn what other aspects of your commercial or residential space can be enhanced with custom architectural glass!